All about yarn & yarn types?

To convert textile fibers into fabrics some type of fiber arrangement is required.Probably the most common method is to convert fibers into yarns, which are then constructed into fabrics. Yarns are essential for knitted, woven or knotted structures and for many braided ones.

‘Yarn’ is defined by the American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM) as “A generic
term for a continuous strand of textile fiber, filament, or material suitable for knitting, weaving to form a textile fabric. Yarn occurs in the following forms.

Yarn forms:
(a) A number of fibers twisted together.
(b) A number of filaments laid together without twist.
(c) A number of filaments laid together with more or less twist.
(d) A single mono filament. e.g. Silk

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Yarns can be made either from short staple length fibers or from filament fibers.
There are two types of yarns, i.e., spun yarns and filamentous yarns.

If filaments are used to make yarns they may be either multifilament or monofilament
Mono filaments are filament yarns               Multi filaments are composed of many
composed of one single filament.                                  Filaments

Characteristics of Spun Yarns and Filament Yarns

a.    Balanced Yarns:

Smooth fabrics are made from balanced yarns

 a.    Unbalanced Yarns:

Crepe and textured surface may be created from unbalanced yarns.


In addition to the amount of twist in a yarn, the direction of the twist
is also designated. There are two types of yarn twist S and Z.

Single, Ply and Cord Yarns

Yarn Numbering System:

Yarn numbering systems are therefore used to express a relationship between a
unit length and weight of yarns. There are two main numbering system in use.

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