Flow process chart for Mercerization

Flow process chart for Mercerization.
Nasrin Sultana Tumpa.
Opex and Sinha Group.
Sr. Production Officer
B. Sc. In Textile Engineering
Bangladesh University of Business and Technology (BUBT)

Mercerizing is done before dyeing. Mercerized fabric is most sophisticated than un-mercerized fabric. This process also depends on the buyer requirement.

Mercerizing is done after bleaching operation. Bleaching is enough for prepared the fabric dyeing. But mercerization is done for adding some advantage to the fabric luster and strength.

Mercerizing makes fabric shinier and more colorful, and it provides the fabric stable shrinkage and fine. It is done for the sophisticated fabric.

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  1. This is very important for Materialization..
    So We want more post from you..Nasrin Sultana..


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