Pre-Production Processes in Garment Manufacturing

Preparation & conducting of pre-production meeting in factory required for production planning in factory Pre-production meeting in factory:
Pre-production meeting – once pre-production (PP) sample is approved (also called sealer sample) and most of the trims are sourced, merchants or production planning department conduct pre-production meeting with production team, quality team and sourcing team. All-important comments, procedures to be followed, dos and don’ts are discussed. Scheduling of PCD (planned cut date) and shipment date is announced to all teams. Production plans, Material planning and line planning – to start production on time and ship the order on time planning is must. Planning is needed for material sourcing, production capacity, line planning. Scheduling of jobs and responsibility is defined at this stage.
This meeting should be conducted directly after the merchandise manager approves the concept for development. The purpose of the meeting is to review the preliminary product and package specifications and to ensure that the supplier is aware of the companies‟ quality and product development procedures. The meeting should be of a technical nature. Therefore, the supplier should bring to the meeting the appropriate representation from their staff. Expect to discuss the manufacturing process in detail and address any potential manufacturing concerns or limitationsin regard to manufacturing the particular item being discussed. In this meeting, the supplier should be provided an initial specification file with details of the garment that is to be manufactured. The supplier should be requested within a short period of time to formally acknowledge their understanding of the requirements. It is a good idea to obtain this in writing.

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